Rural Uruguay is undergoing a long process of transformations that tend to weaken the maintenance of local cultural traits, including society-nature relationships. To preserve these traits and enhance our understanding of these relationships, it is necessary to both strive for the empowering of rural communities and to establish a constructive exchange of knowledge. JULANA (an acronym from the Spanish for “Playing in Nature”) works towards these goals through the dialogue of the different conceptions of nature and society. This work presents an experience in collaborative-learning, the participatory monitoring project named Fogones de Fauna carried out in the village of Paso Centurión, along with reflections on the value of JULANA’s work and education.
+++ title = “Fogones de Fauna: An Experience of Participatory Monitoring of Wildlife in Rural Uruguay.”
date = 2018-07-10T00:00:00
["Bob Smith", "David Jones"]
.authors = [“Bergós L.”, “Grattarola F.”, “Barreneche J.M.”, “Hernández D.”, “González S.”]
publication_types = [“2”]
publication = “Society & Animals. Special Issue: Tracking the Human-Wildlife-Conservation Nexus Across the Human-Animal Studies (HAS) Landscape” publication_short = ""
abstract = “Rural Uruguay is undergoing a long process of transformations that tend to weaken the maintenance of local cultural traits, including society-nature relationships. To preserve these traits and enhance our understanding of these relationships, it is necessary to both strive for the empowering of rural communities and to establish a constructive exchange of knowledge. JULANA (an acronym from the Spanish for “Playing in Nature”) works towards these goals through the dialogue of the different conceptions of nature and society. This work presents an experience in collaborative-learning, the participatory monitoring project named Fogones de Fauna carried out in the village of Paso Centurión, along with reflections on the value of JULANA’s work and education.” abstract_short = ""
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selected = false
.projects = ["deep-learning"]
references content/project/
.projects = [“participatory-monitoring”]
url_pdf = "" url_preprint = "" url_code = "" url_dataset = "" url_project = "" url_slides = "" url_video = "" url_poster = "" url_source = ""
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.doi = “10.1163/15685306-12341497”
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